Layout & Characteristics

Airfield Layout and Characteristics

BTR is located 5 miles north of downtown Baton Rouge. The airport is adjacent to US Interstate 110 and is accessible via Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Captain Ryan Drive.
The airport passenger terminal is located on the west side of the airfield. The area south of the airfield is primarily designated for general aviation use as well as the FAA Control Tower. The east side of the airfield consists of general aviation and the Transportation Security Administration offices. The north side of the airfield includes available land for development in the Aviation Business Park. The BTR Emergency/National Disaster Multiplex is also located on the north side of the airfield.
The airport occupies about 1,800 acres of land at an elevation of 70 feet or 21.3 meters above mean sea level.
The airport has two runways for air carrier operations and one for general aviation.
Runway 4L-22R, the primary air carrier runway, measures 7,500 feet in length by 150 feet (2,316 meters by 45.73) in width and is constructed of grooved concrete. Runway 4L is a non-precision runway. It is equipped with a High Intensity Runway Light (HIRL) system. Runway 22R is a precision runway equipped with a Medium-intensity Approach Lighting (MALSR) system with runway alignment indicator lights, HIRL, and a Special Authorization (SA) CAT II Instrument Landing System (ILS), which allows aircraft to land safely during lower visibility conditions due to inclement weather with a minimum decision altitude as low as 100 feet above ground level. Runway 4L-22R is served by Taxiways A, B, F, G, H, L, and Q.
Runway 13-31 is a crosswind runway measuring 7,004 by 150 feet (2,135 meters by 45.73 meters) in width and constructed of bituminous asphalt. Runway 13 is a precision runway equipped with MALSR and an HIRL system. Runway 31 is a non-precision runway equipped with a Medium-intensity Approach Lighting System (MALS) and an HIRL system. Runway 13-31 is served by Taxiways B, E, F, J, and K.
Runway 4R-22L is a General Aviation runway measuring 3,799 feet in length by 75 feet (1,158 meters by 22.87 meters) in width and constructed of bituminous asphalt. Runway 4R-22L is equipped with Medium-intensity Runway Lights (MIRL). Runway 4R-22L is served by Taxiways E, F, and G.
The airport runways can accommodate a variety of aircraft types and sizes, including a jumbo Boeing 747. Air Force One has landed at BTR on a number of occasions, using both Boeing 747 and Boeing 757 aircraft.
The airport has approximately 18 acres of apron available for aircraft parking at the passenger terminal.
The apron is currently configured to accommodate aircraft ranging from Boeing 757s to Regional Jets. Up to 16 aircraft parking positions are available at and around the terminal for aircraft remaining overnight (RON).